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Education Session Offerings
Well Doc Alberta offers a variety of education sessions aimed at enhancing literacy and awareness about the science of physician wellness, promoting self-reflection, and helping to coach groups toward change (shown in the Pyramid of Resources below). These sessions are available to physician audiences (staff physicians, residents, and/or medical students), either in the form of open-access sessions or group-specific offerings that are tailored to meet your needs (e.g., academic half-days, workshops at retreats, assisting groups to build a peer support team).

Interested in Requesting a Session?
1. Please browse the list of our available education sessions below.
2. Click the 'learn more' button next to a session topic to read the session description.
3. Request a session by filling out the Education Session Request Form (also located on each session description page).
**Please note, you will be asked to read and acknowledge our policies found below and also included at the beginning of the request form.
Your session is not officially booked until our team has met with you to discuss availability and tailor the session based on your needs.
We do our best to accommodate as many requests as possible, but our team has limited capacity. The further in advance you request a session, the more likely we will be able to accommodate your request—at least 3 months in advance of your desired session date is ideal.
We look forward to discussing how we can work with your group. If you have any questions,
please contact us.
Available Education Sessions
Target Audiences
Physicians, Residents, and/or Medical Student groups
We ask that you pay honoraria to speakers for time spent delivering your session. Suggested amounts will be discussed at the time of booking but are generally about $250/hr per speaker.
For in-person sessions, you will also be asked to cover any necessary travel or logistic costs including mileage/flights, hotel, venue rental, catering, equipment rentals, etc.
As part of our ongoing quality improvement process, we invite all session attendees to complete a short evaluation form including basic demographic information. All data is anonymous. A copy of the summarized evaluation results will be provided to you.
All slides and materials used will utilize our Well Doc Alberta branding. This includes disclosure of our funding. As appropriate, we will also include the logos of the organization(s) for which we are delivering the session.
Intellectual Property
All education session materials belong to Well Doc Alberta and the collaborators involved in their development. Materials may not be used or shared for any purposes outside of delivering the agreed upon session without prior written permission from Well Doc Alberta.
We are unable to pursue accreditation at this time. If your group is interested in accrediting a session, you will be responsible for all required documentation and fees.
Please note: submission of a request does not constitute confirmation of booking.
Education sessions are only booked after discussion with Well Doc Alberta.