Session Title

This interactive workshop serves as an introductory guide to writing an Affirmation of Professional Calling (APC). An APC is an overarching individualized statement of intention. It describes the professional mission of a physician which in turn drives not just what they do, but how they do it. It is created through a reflective process that results in an understanding of fundamental motivations and values, identification of work that is most engaging, and recognition of personal strengths. It is predicated on the concept that meaningful work is a key contributor to wellness in a medical career. The APC is intended to be re-visited and revised periodically, evolving with the individual as they move through their career trajectory. It is intended to serve as a starting point when formulating career goals as well as a day-to-day litmus test to determine alignment of current roles and responsibilities as well as new opportunities as they are encountered.
Physicians, Residents
1.5 - 2 hours
Session Category:
Promoting Self-Reflection: Guided introspective thought around physician wellness and how to effect change, considering both individual and system-level factors.