Session Title
Physician wellness is a shared responsibility between individual physicians, the profession of medicine, and healthcare systems. Within their roles, leaders can therefore play a crucial role in influencing physician wellness for those they lead by positively influencing group culture; promoting wellness as important to the system; and enhancing engagement, trust, and psychological safety through compassion. During this interactive leadership retreat, participants are reminded about key concepts of physician wellness, including how leadership relates to wellness, as well as invited to engage in a series of reflection and discussion activities about their roles as leaders, the needs and priorities of their members, and potential strategies for how they can move physician wellness forward within their group. Consideration is also given to how physician leaders themselves are doing, recognizing that their roles are challenging and can contribute to their risk for unwellness.
Physician Leaders
2-4 hours
Session Category:
Coaching for Change: Empowers and supports change at the individual and system-level to enhance physician wellness and shift culture.